
We use WordPress to create beautiful websites and provide custom theme and plugin development.


We offer top notch BuddyPress design and development to help you build your social network.


Add e-commerce to your website and join the global marketplace. We can help you start selling online today.

Site Maintenance

Need updates and maintenance on a monthly basis? Our development team will keep your site running smoothly.

Professional WordPress and BuddyPress Development

Whether you are a startup with big ideas, have an established web presence looking for an upgrade, or are an enterprise-class business requiring complex solutions, Untame has the experience and expertise to help. Contact us today to get a quote or to schedule a consultation.

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Untame at WordCamp US 2015

| WordCamp, WordPress | No Comments

I’m in Philadelphia, looking forward to attending the very first WordCamp US. We checked in last night and I have already had the chance to engage in some friendly conversations…

How to Create a Recent/Popular Posts Section with Pagination Using Twitter Bootstrap + JavaScript

| Tutorial, Twitter Bootstrap | 2 Comments

Twitter Bootstrap provides a nice design base for displaying a wide range of content, and we can use its styling in a more dynamic sense with the following tutorial. We’re…

How to Build a Functional Login Form with PHP + Twitter Bootstrap

| Tutorial, Twitter Bootstrap | 2 Comments

For this tutorial, we’ll look at building a completely functional login + registration system with a design based off of Twitter Bootstrap. The login form will pop out as a…

How to Create a WordPress Theme with Twitter Bootstrap

| Tutorial, Twitter Bootstrap, WordPress | 2 Comments

Follow these steps to create your own WordPress theme using Twitter Bootstrap.