We have spent a lot of time covering ideas behind responsive web design. However, up until this point we have focused almost solely on the “Big Picture”. So today, let’s take some time and dive into an element that is essential when it comes to designing responsively. Video!
After all, it would be easy to say that people love watching videos online, so it only makes sense that we should design responsibly to meet our users where they are, on the devices they are using. So with that in mind, let’s take a look at FitVids.js by Chris Coyier and Paravel.
FitVids is a light weight responsive web design jQuery plugin that allows designers to not only design responsively for small screens, but also for large environments as well. It could make sense that using a tool like FitVids could allow you to embed several blog format videos into a page, and also create awesome full screen video backgrounds! Cool huh?!
If you would like to use FitVids within your own projects, it would be a good idea to check out the video above and follow along. However, if you are in a hurry then simply follow these steps.
Step 1: Download FitVids.js
Step 2: Include the plugin within your javascript (See Video for Example)
Step 3: Activate FitVids
<script> $(document).ready(function(){ // Target your .container, .wrapper, .post, etc. $("#thing-with-videos").fitVids(); }); </script>
That’s it! Now you are up and running with FitVids and Videos placed within collapsing containers will bend to your will. So play around with it; I promise that you will find it capable of solving your problems and perhaps even providing a bit of inspiration! Just think of what you can create with a tool like FitVids in your pocket. So get back to designing your next cool site!