Backup and Export All Your Instagram Photos with Instaport

Following the news that Facebook has acquired Instagram for a billion dollars, many Instagram users are scrambling for a way to export their photos and find a new service to host them. Instaport is a free web app that you can authorize to backup your entire Instagram account.

Whether you’re planning on leaving Instagram or not, Instaport is a handy service for making sure that you have a backup of all of your beautiful photos.

Advanced backup options include:

  • All photos
  • The last _x_ photos taken
  • All taken between a set date range
  • All photos from others which you liked ?
  • Photos #tagged with _x_ (max. 100 photos)

I tested the service today. Be advised that it may take a few minutes to build your export zip file, but having a copy of all of your photos is definitely worth it. When you unpack the zip you’ll see all of your Instagram photos with the posted dates in the file names.

We are interested in all things social media and are curious to see what Facebook does with Instagram. Here’s hoping they don’t mangle the service beyond recognition. If you’re worried about your images, visit Instaport and download a backup of your account today.

About Sarah Gooding

One Comment

  • Harry says:

    – They print 300dpi so whichever iPhone you have will dreiemtne the size of your Instagram. I have the 3G phone and mine turned out good enough for the pop out photo.

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