Untame Releases Free Responsive WordPress and BuddyPress Theme Based on Twitter Boostrap

Untame is pleased to announce the release of Luca’s Theme, a free responsive theme for WordPress and BuddyPress.

Luca Brasi is the newest addition to our family. He is a 15-week-old Italian Greyhound that we adopted from a family who couldn’t care for him anymore. Italian Greyhounds are just like regular Greyhounds, only much smaller. They usually grow to be no more than 15 pounds but can still run as fast as 30 miles per hour!

Luca is a fearless and friendly puppy who likes everybody and loves sleeping in laps, playing fetch and wrestling his stuffed bear. Unfortunately, he doesn’t yet know his limitations and on the Saturday before Labor Day, he jumped onto the sofa and leaped off as high as he could. When he fell, he snapped his front leg and started screaming and rolling around.

Sarah and I scooped him up and drove to the pet hospital, one of only two places open on the holiday weekend. We soon learned that he had broken his leg in two places and would require surgery to install a plate in his leg to allow it to heal properly.

When we learned how expensive it would be to give this little guy a chance at growing up healthy and strong, we were a bit shocked but determined to try to raise the necessary funds by releasing Luca’s Theme as a free product.

Download it and use it or modify it however you like. Some of the theme features include:

  • Responsive theme for WordPress and BuddyPress
  • Built-in Custom Post Type Nivo Slider
  • Custom Author Byline Implementation
  • Modern CSS3 Style Techniques
  • Custom Homepage Template
  • Custom Full Width Template
  • Left Sidebar Template (Your sidebar, your choice!)
  • Custom 404 Page Including Popular Posts
  • Future Updates and Features
  • It’s absolutely free!!!!

We truly hope you enjoy this theme and if you decide to download and use it, please consider donating to Luca’s Fund. Our goal is the $3,000 that his initial treatment and surgery required. If we should raise anything in addition to this goal, we will donate the remaining proceeds to Hazeljane’s Blessings, our local Italian Greyhound rescue group..

For a live demo of the theme, to read more about Luca, to download or to donate, please visit luca.untame.net and be sure to share it with your friends as well. Thanks in advance for any help you can give Luca! We just want him to get healthy so that he can get back to being a happy, active puppy.

About Marion Gooding

Marion is Untame's CEO. He manages, organizes and implements Untame’s projects and corporate vision.

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