Untame Releases Free Responsive WordPress and BuddyPress Theme Based on Twitter Boostrap

Posted by | BuddyPress, News, Twitter Bootstrap, WordPress | No Comments

Untame is pleased to announce the release of Luca’s Theme, a free responsive theme for WordPress and BuddyPress.

Luca Brasi is the newest addition to our family. He is a 15-week-old Italian Greyhound that we adopted from a family who couldn’t care for him anymore. Italian Greyhounds are just like regular Greyhounds, only much smaller. They usually grow to be no more than 15 pounds but can still run as fast as 30 miles per hour!

Luca is a fearless and friendly puppy who likes everybody and loves sleeping in laps, playing fetch and wrestling his stuffed bear. Unfortunately, he doesn’t yet know his limitations and on the Saturday before Labor Day, he jumped onto the sofa and leaped off as high as he could. When he fell, he snapped his front leg and started screaming and rolling around.

Sarah and I scooped him up and drove to the pet hospital, one of only two places open on the holiday weekend. We soon learned that he had broken his leg in two places and would require surgery to install a plate in his leg to allow it to heal properly.

When we learned how expensive it would be to give this little guy a chance at growing up healthy and strong, we were a bit shocked but determined to try to raise the necessary funds by releasing Luca’s Theme as a free product.

Download it and use it or modify it however you like. Some of the theme features include:

  • Responsive theme for WordPress and BuddyPress
  • Built-in Custom Post Type Nivo Slider
  • Custom Author Byline Implementation
  • Modern CSS3 Style Techniques
  • Custom Homepage Template
  • Custom Full Width Template
  • Left Sidebar Template (Your sidebar, your choice!)
  • Custom 404 Page Including Popular Posts
  • Future Updates and Features
  • It’s absolutely free!!!!

We truly hope you enjoy this theme and if you decide to download and use it, please consider donating to Luca’s Fund. Our goal is the $3,000 that his initial treatment and surgery required. If we should raise anything in addition to this goal, we will donate the remaining proceeds to Hazeljane’s Blessings, our local Italian Greyhound rescue group..

For a live demo of the theme, to read more about Luca, to download or to donate, please visit luca.untame.net and be sure to share it with your friends as well. Thanks in advance for any help you can give Luca! We just want him to get healthy so that he can get back to being a happy, active puppy.

15 Excellent Ways To Learn WordPress

Posted by | WordPress | 4 Comments

WordPress is huge, and it is only getting bigger. Over the past few years more and more developers are turning to WordPress to deliver accessible websites to their clients. This means that at a very basic level it is advisable that no matter your position in the internet world, having a good working knowledge of WordPress is a must.

For Beginners

Welcome to WordPress! This area is dedicated to users that need to know the very basics of how to work within the context of a WordPress site. Need to know how to add your first post? This is the section for you! We assume that right now, you have no need or desire to learn to code your own sites and that is completely cool! A huge amount of the largest blogs and sites in the world are operated by users that have never touched a single line of code. You are in very good company with WordPress!


A landmark series for WordPress beginners. Not necessarily because it had never been tried before. WP101 is a landmark because it is an incredible resource, provided absolutely free that is of just about the best quality you will find.


Need a refresher on how to operate your new WordPress site? WPBeginner will help you through the process, from picking out a good hosting company to setting your new site up.


WordPress | Where To Start

Spoilers! The WordPress Codex is pretty great. Not only is it great, but it is the go to place for the latest in WordPress best practices.


WordPress Essential Training (premium)

Lynda.com hosts a variety of training videos and courses. This WordPress essential training video series will take you through just about everything that you will need to begin your publishing journey.

Get Going With WordPress

Plug Alert! Our very own post on what to do once you have installed WordPress.

For Designers

You know the basics. Perhaps you already create awesome sites for your clients using static HTML, CSS & JavaScript and are ready to let your sites go to the next level. WordPress will give you the power to offer clients interactive, editable and feature rich environments. This section is for you, we will cover a few incredible places that you can take your skills to the next level.

WordPress 3: Creating and Editing Custom Themes

Chris Coyier will guide you through a surprisingly easy to understand tutorial on how to create your very own WordPress theme.


The home of some of the best darn WordPress tutorials around. Sneak back to the basics and theme development sections to take advantage of the TutsPlus+ resource.

How to be a Rockstar WordPress Designer

A watershed publication in WordPress theme development. What’s better, one of your teachers is the CEO of the entire Envato network of sites… not too shabby!

How to be a Rockstar WordPress Designer 2

Dive deeper into WordPress with this one. Know how to set up a general theme? Nice! Now understand how theme options and plugins work with part 2.

WordPress Codex

This should be on your bookmark bar. Take a load off and go read the codex for an hour or so. I promise you will learn something!

For Developers

You have been there and done that but maybe not yet with WordPress. If you have spent the past few years custom coding your own CMS for your clients or maybe using another CMS like Joomla or Drupal. In this section, we will assume that you have a working knowledge of PHP and will feature some sources from a few WordPress masters!

Digging Into WordPress

Chris Coyier is back with Digging into WordPress. This book basicly defines extensive. Would you like to share in WordPress best practices? There is no better place to start than right here.

WordPress Codex

Are you noticing a theme here? I am not kidding when I assure that you need to make the codex your new best friend! I was totally that guy… “I’ll never need the codex”. Then I wised up. If you are a WordPress developer, the codex is simply the fastest and most searchable way to get the info you need!

ThemeShaper Blog

Get to know WordPress from the theme masters themselves. These guys word at automattic and curate the giant library of free WordPress themes. Better yet, they have dedicated this as a resource to share their knowledge with fellow dev’s.


Past the mid-level tutorials, wp.tutsplus.com is really a place where you can dive into complex builds, solving niche problems. All throughout the comments of this site you will find a community of fellow dev’s that are solving problems right along side of you.


WPMU is a massive source of information, founded by some of the most advanced WordPress plugin developers on the planet. It would serve you very well to make WPMU a daily stop.

There you are, a few of the absolute best ways to learn WordPress no matter your skill level or need. Do you have a favorite that we didn’t cover? Let us know in the comments below!

Twitter Bootstrap: Build A Stunning Two Column Blog

Posted by | Design, Tutorial, Twitter Bootstrap | No Comments

Hi there, and welcome to the latest in our series of posts covering Twitter Bootstrap. So far we have given a proper introduction to the framework, shown you how to create a responsive homepage and made that even faster with BootstrapCDN.

Today, we will expand on the idea of building pages with Bootstrap that you can use within your own projects. The Bootstrap framework provides for a giant amount of productivity to be completed within a relativly short period of time. Today’s tutorial will cover nested columns in more depth, and provide you with a great beginning point for a 100% responsive blog style layout!


View The Demo | Download the Files

One of the core concepts to understand when laying out a page using Bootstrap is the idea of nesting divs using “rows.”  Essentially, we are trying to declare an outer container wherein we can safely nest our inner divs. In this case, we are doing it with posts and widgets but you could use this technique for just about anything. 

Nesting divs within containers is a very easy concept, yet it’s also easy to overlook. Just remember; when beginning a new area that will contain subsequent divs, you will need to use a row to ensure proper alignment. The use of rows provides for a rather brilliant alternative to the standard practice of using “Alpha” and “Omega” classes when designing within a grid.

Building incredible layouts with Twitter Bootstrap is easy and efficient. Once you have mastered a few of the simple techniques provided by the Bootstrap framework, just about any layout is within reach. As you can see, it only took about eight minutes to create a fully functional markup of a great looking blog page. If you would like to take a gander at the code or demo just check the links above.

Top 7 WordPress E-commerce Plugins

Posted by | E-commerce, WordPress | One Comment

We’ve heard it all before, WordPress is an incredible piece of blogging software. Heck, it may even be a decent CMS. But If I need to run a business and sell products then I just have to look elsewhere. Wrong! WordPress is an incredible CMS that boasts one of the most vibrant communities of developers and designers in the world. Please believe me when I tell you, WordPress has the what it takes to power your eCommerce website into sales nirvana!

While other CMS like Magento and OpenCart absolutly have their benefits, and if your only goal is to run a shop, then they just might be exactly what you need. By using these incredible plugins, you can harness the publishing power of WordPress and couple it with incredible sales tools that will take your business to the next level.


Jigoshop boasts that users of its plugin will be able to “set up shop in minutes”, and you know what…? They are exactly right. Jigoshop offers an elegant solution for any WordPress site owner to begin selling products quickly. It doesn’t matter if you are selling t-shirts or the latest edition of your digital book; Jigoshop is a simple solution for anyone.

Easy Digital Downloads

If you simply need to sell digital goods, I have just the plugin for you. Easy Digital Downloads by Pippin Williamson makes selling digital goods easy. Providing a cart system to purchase multiple goods at once, Customizable purchase receipts and more, Easy Digital Downloads could power any digital store.


WooCommerce is the new kid on the block but not as new as you might think. The very smart guys and gals at WooThemes made the decision to fork the Jigoshop eCommerce plugin and make it all their own. Featuring some impressive and innovative features, WooCommmerce has quickly become the go-to eCommerce solution for a wide swath of web designers. Users are able to easily integrate the plugin into an existing theme and reap the benefits immediately.


MarketPress? Hey We know those guys! MarketPress is a high quality eCommerce plugin created by the WordPress ninjas at WPMUdev. Touted as the “easiest to use, best designed and most powerful ecommerce / shopping cart plugin available for WordPress today,” MarketPress certainly lives up to its reputation. What’s better? MarketPress is 100% ready to integrate into your Multisite network or Buddypress community.

PayPal Donations

Need to simply accept a few donations without all of the muss and fuss of a full commerce solution? No problem, the PayPal donations plugin will allow you to place an elegant widget or simply use a shortcode to add a donation button directly to your page.

Ecwid Shopping Cart

Ecwid is a free full-featured shopping cart and an e-commerce solution that can easily be added to any blog or Facebook profile. It offers the performance and flexibility you need, with none of the hassles you don’t. Incredible AJAX effects provide for an easy user experience that makes setting up your cart a snap!


Cart66, formally PHPurchase, is a cart ecosystem for WordPress that offers a deep featureset, beautiful themes and a few other really neat features. “Not only can you sell physical products, digital products, and services, Cart66 will also turn your WordPress site into a membership website allowing you to sell subscription access to your content.”

The core needs of the common website owner are rapidly changing every day. WordPress already powers over 54 million sites worldwide. What does this mean for you? Designers and developers are flocking to WordPress by the truckload. Using incredible eCommerce solutions like those listed above can provide for a well-known and tested environment for web creators to craft awesome sites.

20 Incredibly Beautiful Free Google Fonts

Posted by | Design, Showcase | No Comments

When you decide to start the process of creating the right design for your latest web projects, you want to make sure that it has a little something special to help it stand out from the crowd. If you find yourself at a loss for how to achieve a little extra “pop”, don’t fret; you are in luck! Today we are going to be showing you some beautiful fonts that can make your site sparkle.

Traditionally, web designers have been relegated to using only a few “web-safe” fonts in their designs, however a trend that is only growing has come about offering the ability for designers to access web-fonts. Webfonts allow designers to use fonts that are no installed on the viewers computer by accessing them via a remote server.

Google web fonts is an absolutely free service that provides a unique user interface wherein a designer can surf through an ever growing library of fonts and choose one that matches their design direction perfectly. At Untame, we love and use Google web fonts all of the time, and thus, we put together a collection of a few of our very favorites.

Antic Slab

Berkshire Swash

Eagle Lake




Kaushan Script

Londrina Sketch

Krona One

Lovers Quarrel

Russo One



Josefin Slab



Open Sans


PT Sans Narrow


Rock Salt



Seems pretty easy right? Give Google web fonts a try, I think you will find that by simply adjusting the type on your web pages web fonts can help your site stand out from the rest. Adding web fonts to your site is also easier than ever before, if you haven’t already, check out the helpful video above for more instructions.  Do you have a favorite free font that we didn’t cover? Let us know in the comments below!

Twitter Bootstrap: How to Load Sites Faster With BootstrapCDN

Posted by | Tutorial, Twitter Bootstrap | 3 Comments

Hello and welcome again to our ongoing series focusing on Twitter Bootstrap. By now we have covered in detail what Bootstrap is as well as how to design a unique and responsive homepage using the front end framework.

Today, let’s take some time to talk about a great new way to access bootstrap for any of your projects. Content Delivery Networks play an important role for the global web. Instead of downloading website files from a single hosted location, a CDN allows for users to quickly access site files from a large distributed system of servers deployed across multiple data centers around the world. This type of distribution leads provides for easier access to common files, increased security for your site as well as speed.

Twitter Bootstrap is already a great front end framework and it is increasing in popularity among web developers and designers. So it starts to make sense that we begin treating bootstrap like some of its CDN hosted bretheren like jQuery, jQuery UI, Dojo and more. So the very cool people at NetDNA decided to do us all a favor and provide a Twitter BootstrapCDN platform.

Using BootstrapCDN developers and designers can access the vital Bootstrap CSS, JavaScript and image files over a high-powered CDN that even includes SSL access.

To get going, simply link up your CSS files in the same way you normally would in the hea of your document like this.

It is a good idea to link up a local stylesheet after the BootstrapCDN link in order to provide a semantic method of modifying incoming bootstrap styles.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/twitter-bootstrap/2.0.4/css/bootstrap-combined.min.css" />

Then, in the foot of your document simply link up the JavaScript portion of bootstrap like this.

<script src="https://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/twitter-bootstrap/2.0.4/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script>

Now that we have successfully linked the CDN files to our head and foot areas of a webpage. Let’s discuss a bit more about why it is a good idea to obtain common files from a Content Delivery Network like NetDNA or Cloudflare.

The advantage of using files hosted on a CDN include:

  1. It increases the parallelism available.
    (Most browsers will only download 3 or 4 files at a time from any given site.)
  2. It increases the chance that there will be a cache-hit.
    (As more sites follow this practice, more users already have the file ready.)
  3. It ensures that the payload will be as small as possible.
    (CDN providers can pre-compress the file in a wide array of formats (like GZIP or DEFLATE). This makes the time-to-download very small, because it is super compressed and it isn’t compressed on the fly.)
  4. It reduces the amount of bandwidth used by your server.
    (CDN providers are basically offering free bandwidth.)
  5. It ensures that the user will get a geographically close response.
    (CDN providers have servers all over the world, further decreasing the latency.)
  6. (Optional) They will automatically keep your scripts up to date.
    (If you like to “fly by the seat of your pants,” you can always use the latest version of any script that they offer. These could fix security holes, but generally just break your stuff.)

Credit: John Gietzan

Start getting that extra little performance boost by using the CDN versions of Bootstrap and other common files.

15 Killer Plugins & Tips for Using WordPress as a CMS

Posted by | Showcase, WordPress | One Comment

To say that WordPress is extensible would be an incredible understatement. There are so many incredible uses for WordPress as a CMS that it would be almost impossible to review them all. However, your friends here at Untame would like to shed some light on a few ways that you can optimize your WordPress install for enhanced content management system functionality.

Pods CMS Framework

“Pods Framework is a content creation kit for WordPress that provides developers and editors with a flexible platform to manage and display custom content.”

The Pods Framework for WordPress is an advanced plugin that allows developers to manage content with a slick user interface. Pods allows you to add context and content to your WordPress site with ease.

Easy WP

Are you put off by the default WordPress dashboard? Have we got a solution for you! Easy WP simplifies with WordPress admin into a simple CMS allowing you or your clients to easily manage posts pages and content. Easy WP also taps into Google analytics for a little extra kick!

XML & Google News Sitemap Feeds

Optimize your WordPress for great Google search results by using XML & Google News Sitemap Feeds. This plugin will help keep your site up to date on Google feeds and results allowing you to pay more attention to creating great new content.

White Label CMS

Do you love WordPress, but need to make it a little more your own? White Label CMS will help you to brand your WordPress site with your company’s logo on the WordPress dashboard as well as the login screen.


Sometimes the adverage post type of “post” just doesn’t cut it. What if you have specific needs? For example, if you run a movie website, it may be a good idea to create a custom post type of “Movies” with its own custom taxonomies of actors, directors… Normally this feat involves a deep dive into PHP code, however Types puts the power of custom post types into your hands!

Posts 2 Posts

Do you need an easy to understand way of making connections between posts, pages and other WordPress elements? You are in luck! Posts 2 Posts will help you create relationships between your content, easily allowing you to create related posts or pages sections with a simple UI.


Do you need to manage more detailed content than just a few blog posts here and there but still love the simplicity of WordPress? Check out CustomPress by WPMU DEV! This plugin offers a powerful UI allowing you to transform your WordPress site into exactly what you need. Use it to manage custom content types, fields and more.

Visual Composer for WordPress

Your pages don’t have to look like a plain ol’ wall of text! Extend your WordPress CMS install with the Visual Composer. With its easy to use drag and drop editor you can add all sorts of content to your site like grids, toggles, sliders, alerts and more. This is a great plugin to extend the usability of your WordPress site!


Point and Stare CMS Functions

Customize WordPress into the CMS of your dreams! Point and Stare adds specific functions that allows users to customize specific areas of WordPress to their liking. Do you have a client that will simply never use specific parts of the WordPress admin such as the “links” area? No problem, remove it!

Restrict Categories

“Restrict Categories is a plugin that allows you to select which categories users can view, add, and edit in the Posts edit screen.” If you are running a blog that has multiple editors or contributors than restrict categories might be just what you are looking for! Use restrict to control which categories your writers have the power to contribute to.

WP-CMS Post Control

“Hides unwanted items within the write/edit page and post admin area for each user role”

If you need a little more control over what your contributors are able to do within the post editor page then WP-CMS Post Control might be exactly what you need! Easily manage user abilities based on specific user roles.

Front-end Editor

Do you love the idea of WordPress and incredible open source awesomeness but wish you had some of the front end controls found in other CMS? If you write better when you can view your work live and in real time, check out the Front-end Editor plugin.

Advanced Custom Fields

Sometimes we need just a little more power than the WordPress editor or even custom fields allows. The Advanced Custom Fields plugin allows users to define an enormous array of field types and implement them with relative ease within post or page templates. In an even cooler turn, the advanced custom fields developers have created a great add-on store that allows for developers to create and sell incredible additions to the plugin.


From the tip jar… When you are using WordPress as a CMS one of the easiest things to overlook is the permalink settings. Permalinks are what you see within your browser address bar, and they also show up in search results. If you want for your new site to look professional, take the time to show the permalink section some love.

For a really nice permalink structure, you may want to create one on your own. To do this, simply click on the “custom structure” radio button and enter the following.


(Take two of these and call me in the morning )

Reading Settings

Perhaps the most simple of content managment tips! WordPress was born as an incredible blogging engine, and it still is. However, recently WordPress has come into its own right as a fully functioning content managment system. Yet, one first install, your blog posts will automaticly be displayed on the home page of your site. If you would like to have your posts displayed on another page, simply edit the “Reading Settings” to display them within your desired area.

And there we are! I hope these suggestions get you moving toward your WordPress CMS goals. With these plugins you will be able to extend your WordPress install beyond what is normally capable of and develop a site that goes far beyond the WordPress blogging roots.

15 Popular Tech and Culture Sites That Use WordPress

Posted by | Showcase, WordPress | No Comments

So, you are in the market to launch a brand new website. “We’re going to take over the world, influence the conversation and change online writing forever”, you say? Yet, the thing that you really need is a way to manage your content.

Here at Untame, we use WordPress to create a wide variety of blogs, corporate sites and more. So, it comes naturally to suggest that you might find benefit in developing your next project by choosing the WordPress CMS. Afterall, you would be in great company, since a study done this year found that over Half Of The Top 100 Blogs Now Use WordPress.

All Things D








Ford Social


Mozilla Technologies


Playstation Blogs














Smashing Magazine


Ebay Ink

Whew! Well, I hate to say I told you so, but hopefully a few of these sites are evidence that not only can WordPress power some of the most popular sites on the internet, but it can fit just about any situation or need. Take the an example of the TutsPlus+ sites from above. They have crafted a multi-million dollar business by exploiting the strengths of WordPress, using a built in feature like multisite to create a manageable network of compelling sites and businesses. So, if after considering what WordPress could provide for your own site or company, consider dropping us a note and let a few of the experts at Untame create an incredible site for you.

Twitter Bootstrap Part 2: Design a Responsive Homepage

Posted by | Tutorial | 2 Comments

Twitter Bootstrap is a cutting edge front end framework designed to make the lives of developers and designers a little easier, as it provides a semantic and responsive starting point for real world projects. Today we are going to take a bit of time to focus on a very real world project, the single page site or splash page. We have already covered a bit of design theory in our “Z” design post, and we will be using many of the same techniques.

If you are new to Bootstrap, it may be a good idea to get an understanding of what Bootstrap is and how you can use it, as featured in our part 1 of our series.

Check Out The Whole Series!
Twitter Bootstrap Part 1: What is Bootstrap Anyway?
Twitter Bootstrap Part 2: Design a Responsive Homepage
Twitter Bootstrap: Build A Stunning Two Column Blog
Twitter Bootstrap Part 3: Design a Responsive Contact Page

View The Demo

Let’s Get Started

Let’s take a look at what we will be building today.

Here, we have what is considered a fairly “best practice” example of a “Z” design layout homepage. As such, our image features the Bootstrap navigation bar, a featured content carousel or slider, a standard call to action with an accented button color as well as three columns of content.

We should take note at this point that in no way is this a set-in-stone required layout for your next project. Inherently, this is the real beauty of using a front end framework. Would you like to achieve a different layout? Go for it, with a little bit of math (including the ability to count to twelve) you can achieve any number of layouts.

Take it From the Top:

In this tutorial, I am going to assume that you have already read through our first post about the framework, downloaded it and unzipped it to somewhere easy like your desktop. Now, you are going to need a text editor so that we can manipulate the HTML/CSS and JavaScript. Depending on your platform, there are many great free programs to choose from. However, I have come to enjoy the excellent Sublime Text 2.

Set Up The Navigation

The Navigation portion of our site is relativly easy to integrate. However, one should take note that the default navigation style included with Bootstrap is “Fixed” to the top of your page. This allows for the navbar to stay within the view of users as they navigate your site.

The Slider

Call To Action

Footer & Finishing Up

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial. Twitter Bootstrap is a fantastic tool that will allow for faster development and more user satisfaction in any project. Do you have a web design or development question for us? Drop us a note on our contact page, and we will get back with you as soon as possible.

Start planning your project today. Get Started